Yesterday was my 32nd birthday and I’m swinging between feeling old and feeling far too young for my life… I’m definitely thankful to be able to celebrate another birthday, even if it means I’m getting older!
If you’re new around here or if we’ve been friends for a while here are some things you might not know about me or maybe I haven’t shared them before!

Here’s 32 things about me: fun facts, lessons I’ve learned, and things I’m grateful for.
I’m an only child
My two dogs are named after some of my favorite historical figures: Winston (Churchill) & Theodore “Teddy” (Roosevelt)
I epitomize my Virgo sign: hello lists and perfectionist
In my first job after law school I experienced a toxic work environment and gas-lighting from my superiors
In college I added a history major so I had an excuse to read more
I’ve experienced depression and I wish talking about this would become less stigmatizing
My favorite color is green – but like an evergreen – not kelly green
Work from home is throwing me for a loop
I let my work define me as a person for so long and I’m trying to work on separating those parts of my life
Fountain Diet Coke tastes better than any other – I will die on this hill
I really like giving people compliments
In 2007 I visited London and will always remember how amazing Queen Mary’s Rose Garden smelled – I want to bottle it for perfume
2019 was the worst year of my life
My mom is best role model – she’s been a single mom since I was two and has been the epitome of grace and love
I don’t like icing and I only like chocolate cake
For my 21st birthday my aunts took me to Vegas and we snuck into a Def Leppard concert – it’s the wildest thing I’ve ever done
Oh and I pronounce ‘aunt’ the correct way, I don’t say “ant” s
I was born on my Grandpa’s birthday and until he passed we would race to see who could be the first one to call the other to sing HBD
I wish I would have take Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace class sooner
The Mummy and The Mummy Returns are the movies I watch on repeat
I love Harry Potter: I have a HP tattoo and I’m a Ravenclaw
My dad was an expat when I was in elementary/middle school and before the age of 12 I flew multiple times alone from Texas to Singapore
I flirt with getting bangs every month
Apparently when I was little I loved applesauce but now I hate it
I danced since the age of three, was the Major (head officer) of my high school drill team, and taught dance in college. I was also an Assistant Drill Team Director during college.
When I was little I read all the time, so much that I had to go “be social” as a punishment instead of getting grounded
I’m an ennegram 8
After I give blood I faint, every time – I’m not scared and it doesn’t matter if I eat something, I still pass out
I studied abroad in Paris for a summer and the dorm I was living in was rioted after the US beat Algeria in a world cup game
After my first murder trial was over friends took me out to celebrate and I fell asleep in a bar, in a chair, with a full glass of wine in my hand. I wasn’t drunk I was just exhausted
I went to Texas A&M – Gig Em Aggies!
Have a wonderful week friends!
xoxo, Katherine