We’re now 6 months into 2023 and I think it’s a great time to do a quick check in on those goals we all set for ourselves at the beginning of the year… remember those?

Here are mine if you want to take a look back… tbh I had to check back frequently to keep them in the for front of my mind. I separated mine out into five different areas: The Docket, Family, Spiritual, Health, and Career goals.
So here’s how I stand in each of those areas:
The Docket: 3/5 I’m working hard on these goals and I feel like I’m making good progress. I should have been able to say 4/5 but it was my fault and I never followed through on some communication. That’s my fault, but we learn when we fail right? I know what I need to work on here.
Family: 0/3. WOW I need to step up my game on this. I guess I could exchange out one of the goals about picking a new bedroom set for our reno getting done. That definitely wasn’t on my list! So maybe 1/3 could work here.
Spiritual: 0/2 but I AM working on these, I am striving for every day on my devotions etc but sometimes I miss them; and I have been visiting different churches to see which one I feel most connected to but it’s just I haven’t visited all of them on my list so I haven’t picked one yet. So maybe we call this a work in progress?
Health: 2/3 I feel like my progress on these goals isn’t actually as great as the numbers are making it out to be. I think I need to rework these goals to make them more bite sized so I feel like I’m accomplishing more.
Career: 4/4 hey oh! Got’em all! Technically I won’t present until August but it’s still happening! I feel like I need to add one or two more goals to this to keep the momentum going.
I hope everyone takes stock of where you are in what you wanted to accomplish this year. You can change these goals, reframe them, break them down into bite sized mini-goals, and keep them fresh in your mind! Let me know if you look back at your goals frequently!